My little brothers...My heros
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Ours was full of running around, visiting friends and family and the engagement of my sis-in-law, Aly! She has honored me with the opportunity to be her maid of honor. So it definitely was a wonderful long weekend. That said though it was also a wonderful weekend because of why we have this unofficial kick-off to the Summer. In honor of National Military Appreciation Month and Memorial Day I am thankful for our soldiers. Whether you agree with the war or why we're in it, there is no dispute that our soldiers deserve our undying gratitude for their sacrifices. Whether it is our veteran's or soldiers currently serving we can not possibly understand just what they give up in order to give us the freedoms we enjoy every day. Three of the most important men in my life are veteran's; My dad and my little brother's. My dad served in Vietnam and saw and lived things I could not imagine. And as much as I worried about my brother's during every tour they served and how relieved I felt when I could finally hug them again, there is not a day that goes by that I'm not proud of what they did to keep us all safe. Nothing makes me happier than to say that my dad and brothers have served their country. There are not enough thanks in the world to ever repay them for that.
So on this Memorial Day and everyday, give thanks for the soldiers, past and present, who have sacrificed for you, without asking anything in return. Remember, they are the reason you are able to live the way you do.
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