Howdy Howdy! I hope you're all having a great Thursday. The sun is shining here and the coffee has finally kicked in so I'm doing good. :-)
I was reading an article for work this morning and the author wrote a book about home and what it means to her. As a result it got me thinking about home and what it means to me. So today I am thankful for home. Home means a lot of things to me, but before I get into all of them I will sum it up with the quote, "Home is where the heart is." My heart is with my family and friends and since my family and friends are scattered, home is multiple places for me.
Home is with Matt and Addie, singing and dancing to oldies, lying in bed Saturday morning and easing into our day, or walking on our hill while Addie yells at Luke. Home is Sunday dinner with my in-laws and weekly conversations with my parents in Iowa. Home is Christmas in Iowa with my parents, siblings and nephew and nieces. Home is my hometown in the Summer, walking with my mom. Home is Matt's chicken wings, his mom's macaroni salad, a fire pit and our friends. For me, home isn't one physical place, home is with the people I love so no matter where I am, as long as I have them I'm always home.
What does home mean to you? XOXO
Love Love Love.