Friday, May 3, 2013


Happy Friday everyone!  Here's hoping that yours is winding down and you've got a nice weekend in store. :)

Today I am thankful for just taking a moment.  I found myself getting frustrated with some situations and getting really impatient for things to change.  I was all fired up and complaining to my best friend.  As I returned from lunch I had a few moments before I had to get back to it so I shut off my car, rolled down the windows, silenced my phone and just sat.  I took a few deep breathes and cleared my mind.  Not every day is going to be easy or fun and I'm going to get frustrated.  What I need to remember is to just take a moment to unplug.  I feel like I'm always going going going; work, Addie needing my attention, house that needs cleaning, cell phone going off, emails to respond to, etc etc.  Today it was nice to have a few minutes where I could just sit and unwind and remember the big picture.

So I'm taking a deep breath on this Friday afternoon, remembering how lucky we are and that things are good.  There's always room for improvement, but things are good. :-)

Have a beautiful weekend everyone!


  1. It's okay to vent to your friends. You are allowed to lean on other people from time to time. You can't hold everything together always. I've had to learn that as well. You know when I feel down, or stressed, or like everything is going, going, going...I always look at the angel you got me my first year in college. She is missing a bird yet she is still standing tall and with her arms open. It gives me strength and reminds me that things always work out. I just have to breathe and take a moment like you did. All we can do is live in the present and the rest is either history or hasn't come.

    You know you can always call me too. :) I would love to hear from you and I feel I have a better understanding of what you have been through and sort of what you're going through now. Hope your day gets better and a little less hectic. Love You!


    1. Haha oh I did complain. But, I needed to take a moment too. I know I should call more, I'm definitely bad about that. thanks for your post. Love you!
