Monday, April 22, 2013


Happy Monday and Earth Day!  I hope it was a pleasant one for all.  In honor of Earth Day, today I am thankful for this Earth we live on.  I have been blessed with both living and visiting some beautiful places and it's in this beauty that I have truly learned to appreciate just what our beautiful world can offer us.  Growing up on the Mississippi I have witnessed power, grace and serenity.  Some of my best memories have been sitting on the bluffs of my hometown just watching the river amble by.  I have also witnessed the great power the river holds by seeing what happens when the Winter snow melts and the Spring rains begin.  We can build dams and try to divert the waters but in the end, the river is going to go where the river wants to go. 

Then there are the beautiful Catskills, which I have been blessed to call home for the past 7 years.  I have seen more creatures; bears, deer, coyote, fox, porccupine, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, etc in my time spent here then I think I've witnessed anywhere.  Admittedly I have enjoyed my close encounters with some of these creatures much more than others but the array of creatures that inhabit this Earth never ceases to amaze me.  It's easy to get caught up in the hussle and bustle of civilization but to truly stop and appreciate what our Earth has provided for us; beautiful art that could never be replicated by any man, amazing creatures who help control things we aren't even aware of, food to sustain us and the list goes on. 

So on this Earth Day and every day, try to stop for just a moment and truly appreciate the beauty that is around us and the important part you and everyone plays in ensuring that our Earth remains safe.

Good night all, sleep tight.

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