Hello All! I've finally returned. My return was prompted by my ever increasing tendency to see the glass as "half empty" rather than "half full". I decided this needed to change. As a result of this decision I have resolved to spend the next year reminding myself of what I have to be thankful for. So, every day for the next year I will write about it on here. By doing so it is my hope that it will keep me accountable and therefore not lose sight of my goal, which is to always remember what I do have, no matter what comes along. Too often we allow ourselves to be brought down by the bad and lose sight of all of the wonderful things we still have. On that note, here begins my 365 days of Thanks.
ONE. Today I am thankful for the sunshine and warmth. As the days of Winter come to an end they are finally replaced with the gleeful music of the birds, the sprouting buds of Spring flowers, the melting away of the snow and the blissful first days of the shining sun.

As I drove home from work today with my car windows down, taking in the sweet smell that only those first couple weeks of Spring can produce, and basking in the warmth of the sun I felt renewed. I could feel the blah of Winter melting off and a renewed sense of energy and purpose was returning. It truly is amazing to watch the transformation that takes place around us as Winter takes it's slumber and Spring begins to wake everything again. It reminds me that no matter how endless all the blah or bad seems, underneath all of that is the warmth and sunshine.
Goodnight All
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