Matt left early this morning to go work with his friend, who is married to my best friend. I received a text from her this morning saying, "You know what I like about your husband? He always helps me with my kids when he sees I'm trying to do something." One of the things I love the most about Matt is his kind heart. He is always willing to lend a hand, whether it's to our friends and family or a random stranger. And he has a way with children that makes me melt every time. We can't go anywhere around here without having at least one of the students he has taught yelling with excitement when they see him. It's comical to hear, "It's Mr. Cook!" and having kids of all ages running up to him just to say hi and tell him about their day or what they're doing.
I knew from the beginning that Matt was going to be an amazing father and not only because he's a big kid himself. ;-) He's kind, patient, loving and playful. It's easy to complain about what your spouse did that annoyed you that day but it's so important to remember all of the wonderful things that they do. I couldn't be luckier to have Matt as my partner and the father of my child and I love that others love and appreciate him just as much as I do. And when other's tell me the sweet or kind thing he did for them or that they witnessed him doing my heart swells with pride because he's mine.
I love you handsome, oodles and oodles and monsters and more! ;-)

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