Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Has Sprung!

Addie's first St. Patrick's Day.  Little too much partying...lol

March has certainly brought a welcome surprise with the weather we have been having.  It started out a bit rough but quickly changed to sunshine, warmth, and emerging flowers.  It has made the days at home on the mountain much nicer because Addison, Luke, Matt and I can get out of the house and do things.  We have already enjoyed numerous walks, a very welcome thing for multiple reasons; including getting fresh air and my waistline thanks me as well.  lol  I have also enjoyed some time outside gardening, while Addie naps in her stroller.  I'm not a great gardener but I do enjoy watching the flower bulbs emerge and I can't wait until they all start blooming. 

Addison continues to be a great joy.  Matt and I have been blessed with an easy going baby.  She takes after Daddy in that sense, and thank goodness for that...lol  With each passing day I become more familiar with her cues and cries, which makes it much easier to determine what she needs at that moment.  I'm also learning what foods I eat agree and disagree with my bug.  Garlic is definitely one that does not agree with her.  Matt and I were invited to dinner at his co-worker's, Harold, home last Friday and his wife, Doreen made a wonderful meal of shrimp scampi and baked ziti.  Very delicious for me but it equaled a gassy day for Addison on Saturday.  Mommy and Daddy did a lot of rocking, walking, soothing and burping that day. 

Harold and Doreen were absolutely adorable with Addison and she loved all of the snuggles and kisses they showered on her. :)

It is hard to believe that we are coming up on 3 weeks since Addison arrived.  It has been amazing to see how much she is growing and changing already.  Matt and I just look at her in amazement and we cannot stop kissing those cheeks! 
Smitten with our bug.

With all of the cuddle time we have been putting in with Addison we have also been welcoming visitors to meet Addison.  The Tenbus' came up for a visit and were gracious enough to bring dinner.  We had a great time catching up and John and Colleen got some practice time in, as they will be welcoming their little bundle very soon.  We cannot wait to meet Baby Boy Tenbus and Addie can't wait to meet her new friend. :)

Uncle John is a natural.

I also took Addison down to Tri-Valley to meet some of the people there.  Addison did great on our little mini-trip down the hill and slept right through all of the fawning over her.  It was nice that she was able to meet some of Matt's co-workers.  Yesterday Addie and I went over to Mema's for lunch and she met Sue Smith and Nancy.  It gave the three of them an opportunity to catch up and of course, they loved seeing Addison.  She even opened her eyes momentarily, but quickly went back to sleep when the ladies got all excited...lol

That is one comfy baby. :-)
Ahhh, snuggles.  :)

Haha, the girl likes the "touchdown" pose.
As you can see from the pictures, all three were quite content giving Addie all the snuggles she wanted and she took full advantage.

On Friday, Matt and I took Addie for her first full day out.  All and all it was a successful trip.  Mommy and Daddy (or Big Daddy and Little Momma as Matt has affectionately named us) learned a valuable lesson in baby time and that we will now need to adjust accordingly.  It would not have been a trip out with Addison if we did not visit the children's section of Barnes and Noble.  I could have spent the rest of the afternoon in there and easily have bought the whole section but Matt limited me to one book, this trip.  Miss Addison will have quite a book collection by the time I'm done. 

This Friday my parent's begin the journey to New York to meet Addie and I cannot wait.  Matt and I have a hard enough time being so far away from my family, especially our niece and nephew.  I know that my mom is chomping at the bit to meet her new granddaughter.  They will be here a week and I'm certain that I will only get to hold Addie when she needs to be fed...lol  I cannot wait. 

Sunday night I got the pleasure of talking to our nephew, Hunter on the phone.  He had spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa's and even helped Grandma make the meatballs for dinner.  Of course he had to have his marshmallows before dinner.  Though I know he was probably just repeating what I said, it was so special to hear him say that he loved me and missed me.  He even asked Grandma if they could come to my house.  That was enough to make me tear up.  I have adjusted to life in New York but it has been hard being so far away from them.  I can't wait until we head to Iowa again so I can give him and his sister a big hug and kiss.  Hopefully they will be able to make the trek out to New York to see us soon.  :)  And our family will be growing even more once May arrives and brings the arrival of my baby brother's, Aaron and his wife's, Jessi new bundle of joy.  This year has certainly brought a lot of wonderful changes so far.  It makes me so excited to see what the rest has in store.

I hope you're all having a wonderful week!  XO

Daddy and Addie sleepy time.


  1. Ta, I love the blog makeover!! It looks great :) Keep the photos of Addie coming- I love seeing her adorable facial expressions & fashionable outfits!! What a happy & loved baby girl :) We can't wait to see her again!!

  2. Ta, loving the updates! I'm so happy that your parents are there and I can bet you are all having a wonderful time!! Auntie Alice misses that little bug and the whole family. I teared up when you were talking about missing your family here. That's how I feel all the time about you guys in NY. I'm counting down the days til May!! I love and miss you all! <3 Aunt Alice xoxo
