Good Morning Everyone! After months of absence I have finally returned. These past few months have been full of changes. Between my return to work, events to attend, and Addie's many reached milestones there certainly has not been a dull moment.
So what exactly have we been up to these past few months? Well, at the end of May I returned to work. This was definitely not an easy transition for me. I will say though, leaving Addie was made a little easier because I was able to leave her with my mother and father-in-law. I am so grateful that Addie has been lucky enough to spend her days with her Mema and Poppy. It makes me very happy to see Addie's face light up when she sees the wreath that hangs on my in-laws door. To make it even better, Matt has been spending the Summer working with his father, so Matt has also been with her all Summer. Returning to work is probably one of the toughest decisions I have made but I have been truly blessed that I did not have to leave Addie with someone I didn't really know. We will probably be making the transition to a daycare soon (my in-laws deserve to relax during their retirement ;-) ), which still stresses me out but for the time being she is happily spending her days with two of her favorite people.
Watching all of the joy that Addie has brought,not just to Matt and my life, but to our friends and family has been amazing. Matt's uncles and aunts, and his cousins have fallen in love with our little girl. They have all been extremely generous and love coming for visits. Addie has not disappointed, showering everyone with smiles and giggles. The two people who have really enjoyed Addie have been Sue and Erwin. To Addie they are Mema and Poppy. As soon as she see's them she greets them with a huge smile and babbles. Mema showers her with hugs, kisses and love. Poppy wears cool shirts, runs to her when she fusses (because he can't stand to hear Addie upset), and helps her develop her new skills. Watching Addie and Erwin interact has been amazing because with Addie Erwin becomes a big mush. Addie has definitely got Erwin wrapped around her fingers and he is loving it.
Watching Matt's family with Addie makes me excited for Addie to get to spend more time with my family. It makes me sad that she is unable to spend as much time with my family, or Aly, because they are in Iowa. But Matt and I do all we can to make sure Addie knows these people as well. We show her pictures and when we talk on the phone we turn the speaker on so Addie can hear their voices. When my mom and dad ( Nana and Grandpa to Addie) came for a visit in March, my mom got Addie a flower ornament. This has become Addie's favorite object in her room. Each morning, after she gets changed, I have to take her over to the ornament so she can play with it. The way the light makes it sparkle amuses her. I love watching how excited she gets when she sees it.
Over the past few months we have attended many events, including the event we held, Addie's Baptism. We were so happy to share this special moment with family and friends. Matt and I thank God all the time for the blessing he has given us by bringing Addie into our lives and we want Addie to know the same love and blessings. We had a wonderful day celebrating with family and friends. We were also lucky enough to share in this same special day with our friends, John and Colleen, when they're little man, Mason was baptized. We also enjoyed introducing Addie to Erwin's side of the family for Matt's cousin, Liz's wedding. Addie did so good with the large crowd and made everyone smile at her constant babbling and smiling.
We were also lucky to have Addie's great grandmother, Hermine join us for a couple of weeks. While Addie was with Mema and Poppy during the day she also got to hang out with her Grandma Hermine. Hermine loved seeing her every morning and Addie always greeted her with a big smile, which delighted her.
Addie has also grown by leaps and bounds in the past few months. She can sit up and is working on getting up on her hands and knees. Becoming mobile is her number one priority it seems. She has Luke, Kit and Reeses to chase after all, much to their annoyance. lol Addie has also cut her first tooth and with almost no indication, other than some drooling, chewing and the obvious sharp white edge of her tooth. That was a pleasant surprise, along with the fact that our little angel has slept through the night for the past couple of months. That is a very welcome development for me. :-) Addie has us completely spoiled. Addie has also started on solid foods. Her favorites right now are bananas and sweet potatoes. She turns into a sticky mess whenever she has a meal but it is so much fun to watch how excited she gets about each new food.
Now that I have gone on and on about Addie, I suppose I should talk a little bit about what else has been going on in our lives. For me, work has been a bit hectic. The month before I had Addie, our credit union was liquidated and once I returned the process to completely convert over to the new credit union had begun. That has meant many hectic hours at work. To add to it I have also been covering a co-workers maternity leave. Needless to say, I have been quite busy at work. But, everyone welcomed me back with open arms and the members have been wonderful. Though it was not easy to return everyone has made it as easy as possible. Accompanied with my return to work has been my choice to continue exclusively breastfeed Addie. Pumping at work has been an adjustment but the benefits for Addie far out-weigh the annoyances. Plus, it provides wonderful bonding time for Addie and I, which I love since I do have to spend so much time away from her now.
Matt has been keeping busy this Summer working with his dad to help him get their house remodeled. He has also been helping his friend occassionally. Matt has even had the opportunity to stay home with Addie a few times. The first time he got that opportunity was for a week, and Addie was still rather young. He did great though and he and Addie got some wonderful bonding time.
Well, I think that about catches things up! Matt and I are going to take Addie to her first Little World's Fair today. That is a local fair that is put on every year in Matt's hometown. Addie will get to see lots of wonderful sites and Matt and I will get to eat some wonderfully bad for you fair food. It's no Iowa State Fair ;-) but it is an ok substitute. After the fair visit we are going to Matt's 10 year high school reunion. It is going to be a busy busy day. I hope you're all enjoying the last few weekends of the Summer. Can you believe it's almost time for Fall to arrive?!
This blog is my musings about my life, what I've learned, what I'm reading and how my husband and I are working to build our new life in the Midwest. I hope you enjoy taking this journey with me and my family.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
6 Weeks and the Lessons Learned
It has been six weeks since the arrival of our Addison and I cannot believe it. The time has just flown by. It feels like I was just meeting our little girl for the first time. During these past few weeks we have learned a lot from our Bug. Below are just a few of the lessons and surprises Addison has given us.
1. There is no love like the love you feel for your child. I look at her and my heart melts every time.
2. You will forget what it feels like to get a full nights sleep. I hope to reacquaint myself with sleep again one day, hopefully soon.
3. For mommy, it's important to get dressed every day and to at least put concealer on. No matter how exhausted I am, I feel better if I can look at myself in the mirror at 2 pm and I have at least gotten dressed and attempted to make myself presentable, like a normal person.
4. Another lesson for mommy, put your pre-baby jeans on as soon as possible. Even if you have to wear a belly band to keep them up. If you continue to wear pajama pants or sweats it is much too easy to forget about the work you need to do to get back into shape. You may not be comfortable in those jeans for a while, but with them on at least you know where you are at reaching your pre-baby body goal and you'll feel great when you can finally zip and button them again. (Thanks to my mother-in-law, Sue for that bit of advice.)
5. It is wonderful to watch your partner turn into a parent and also quite hilarious to listen to all of the ridiculous things that come out of their mouths.
6. You will catch yourself speaking baby talk, turning any task into a song, and making the most ridiculous faces. That said, you gladly do it as often as possible just to see that gummy smile.
7. You WILL lick your finger and wipe your child's face. You won't even know it's happening until it's too late.
8. Things that should gross you out; such as being peed on, having spit up run down your neck and chest, or realizing that you have poop on your forehead will not phase you. You simply change your clothes, wipe away the spit up and poop and move on.
9. You stop caring that your shelves haven't been dusted in a month, or that the laundry has maybe piled up a little higher than it should because cuddling with your sleeping child is much more important.
10. As much love and joy that your child brings you; and they will bring you endless amounts, you and your partner must carve out time for just the two of you. So let someone else take care of your baby (we've found that mema and papa are eager to donate their time) and do something together. See a movie, have dinner together, or just cuddle; whatever you do make sure you still nourish that relationship. Your love created this beautiful life, make sure you continue to nurture that love too.
So, those are just a few of the things that we have learned in these past 6 weeks. It really is amazing what this tiny little human being, who can't even talk, has already taught us.
We had another wonderful visit with John and Colleen. Addie just loves seeing them. We can't wait to snuggle their little one.
We had a wonderful first Easter with Addie.
The day our world changed. |
6 weeks just flew by |
1. There is no love like the love you feel for your child. I look at her and my heart melts every time.
2. You will forget what it feels like to get a full nights sleep. I hope to reacquaint myself with sleep again one day, hopefully soon.
3. For mommy, it's important to get dressed every day and to at least put concealer on. No matter how exhausted I am, I feel better if I can look at myself in the mirror at 2 pm and I have at least gotten dressed and attempted to make myself presentable, like a normal person.
4. Another lesson for mommy, put your pre-baby jeans on as soon as possible. Even if you have to wear a belly band to keep them up. If you continue to wear pajama pants or sweats it is much too easy to forget about the work you need to do to get back into shape. You may not be comfortable in those jeans for a while, but with them on at least you know where you are at reaching your pre-baby body goal and you'll feel great when you can finally zip and button them again. (Thanks to my mother-in-law, Sue for that bit of advice.)
5. It is wonderful to watch your partner turn into a parent and also quite hilarious to listen to all of the ridiculous things that come out of their mouths.
6. You will catch yourself speaking baby talk, turning any task into a song, and making the most ridiculous faces. That said, you gladly do it as often as possible just to see that gummy smile.
7. You WILL lick your finger and wipe your child's face. You won't even know it's happening until it's too late.
8. Things that should gross you out; such as being peed on, having spit up run down your neck and chest, or realizing that you have poop on your forehead will not phase you. You simply change your clothes, wipe away the spit up and poop and move on.
9. You stop caring that your shelves haven't been dusted in a month, or that the laundry has maybe piled up a little higher than it should because cuddling with your sleeping child is much more important.
10. As much love and joy that your child brings you; and they will bring you endless amounts, you and your partner must carve out time for just the two of you. So let someone else take care of your baby (we've found that mema and papa are eager to donate their time) and do something together. See a movie, have dinner together, or just cuddle; whatever you do make sure you still nourish that relationship. Your love created this beautiful life, make sure you continue to nurture that love too.
So, those are just a few of the things that we have learned in these past 6 weeks. It really is amazing what this tiny little human being, who can't even talk, has already taught us.
She's a natural. :-) |
We had another wonderful visit with John and Colleen. Addie just loves seeing them. We can't wait to snuggle their little one.
He's got this. ;-) |
All decked out for Easter. |
Sometimes a girls just gotta put her feet up. |
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Spring Has Sprung!
Addie's first St. Patrick's Day. Little too much |
Addison continues to be a great joy. Matt and I have been blessed with an easy going baby. She takes after Daddy in that sense, and thank goodness for With each passing day I become more familiar with her cues and cries, which makes it much easier to determine what she needs at that moment. I'm also learning what foods I eat agree and disagree with my bug. Garlic is definitely one that does not agree with her. Matt and I were invited to dinner at his co-worker's, Harold, home last Friday and his wife, Doreen made a wonderful meal of shrimp scampi and baked ziti. Very delicious for me but it equaled a gassy day for Addison on Saturday. Mommy and Daddy did a lot of rocking, walking, soothing and burping that day.
Harold and Doreen were absolutely adorable with Addison and she loved all of the snuggles and kisses they showered on her. :)
It is hard to believe that we are coming up on 3 weeks since Addison arrived. It has been amazing to see how much she is growing and changing already. Matt and I just look at her in amazement and we cannot stop kissing those cheeks!
Smitten with our bug. |
Uncle John is a natural. |
That is one comfy baby. :-) |
Ahhh, snuggles. :) |
Haha, the girl likes the "touchdown" pose. |
On Friday, Matt and I took Addie for her first full day out. All and all it was a successful trip. Mommy and Daddy (or Big Daddy and Little Momma as Matt has affectionately named us) learned a valuable lesson in baby time and that we will now need to adjust accordingly. It would not have been a trip out with Addison if we did not visit the children's section of Barnes and Noble. I could have spent the rest of the afternoon in there and easily have bought the whole section but Matt limited me to one book, this trip. Miss Addison will have quite a book collection by the time I'm done.
This Friday my parent's begin the journey to New York to meet Addie and I cannot wait. Matt and I have a hard enough time being so far away from my family, especially our niece and nephew. I know that my mom is chomping at the bit to meet her new granddaughter. They will be here a week and I'm certain that I will only get to hold Addie when she needs to be I cannot wait.
Sunday night I got the pleasure of talking to our nephew, Hunter on the phone. He had spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa's and even helped Grandma make the meatballs for dinner. Of course he had to have his marshmallows before dinner. Though I know he was probably just repeating what I said, it was so special to hear him say that he loved me and missed me. He even asked Grandma if they could come to my house. That was enough to make me tear up. I have adjusted to life in New York but it has been hard being so far away from them. I can't wait until we head to Iowa again so I can give him and his sister a big hug and kiss. Hopefully they will be able to make the trek out to New York to see us soon. :) And our family will be growing even more once May arrives and brings the arrival of my baby brother's, Aaron and his wife's, Jessi new bundle of joy. This year has certainly brought a lot of wonderful changes so far. It makes me so excited to see what the rest has in store.
I hope you're all having a wonderful week! XO
Daddy and Addie sleepy time. |
Friday, March 9, 2012
Words Cannot Describe The Love
Addison Marie Cook Born: March 1, 2012 6 lbs 12.9 oz 18 1/2 inches long |
The night before Addison arrived we were hit with some very late Winter weather, thank you Catskills New York. So as I'm sitting on our couch trying to determine if I was having contractions or not (at that point it was just tightening which to me sometimes just felt like her moving), I suddenly felt a change. I text my friend, Abby and told her about it, she of course panicked a bit, as we live in the boonies and the weather was bad. She wanted me to run to the hospital immediately. Since I was still comfortable I opted to call the doctor on call. As I suspected he told me to just hang out for a bit and let him know when the contractions got closer together. Abby did convince me to come stay at her and her husband's house, which was 10 minutes from the hospital, as opposed to the 35 that we were from home. Given the weather situation and when I finally called the doctor, I am very glad that we did so.
When Matt and I arrived at the hospital around 1:30 in the morning on the 1st the contractions had gotten so I knew they were actually contractions, but nothing unbearable and they were 6 minutes apart. As we were walking in, another couple and their entourage were running in as well. I told the nurses that the doctor had asked me to come in to be checked. At the time I didn't notice too much, but after they said something I realized that they were taking their time getting me checked. After the nurse checked me she informed me that her and the other nurse had been sure that they would be sending me home and keeping the other woman because they thought I was too calm and happy! lol As it turned out, I was already 5 centimeters, so they quickly got me checked into a room.
I'm not going to say that labor is a picnic but I will say that throughout my entire pregnancy and then my labor and delivery I was incredibly blessed. I had a relatively short labor (from when I could actually feel the contractions to delivery it was 5 hours) and the pain wasn't dull by any means but it was manageable. Thank goodness it was too because by the time the nurse asked me if I wanted any pain medicine (I'm thinking epidural) there was only time for the medicine that dulls the pain. By dull the pain they mean just knock you out so you can still feel it but you're too drowsy to care. lol Matt was amazing through it all. He was right by my side the whole time, rubbing my back, getting me water and offering support. He was also the nurses helper as well because there was another woman in the next room who was delivering at the same time as I was, so the poor doctor had to go back and forth between the two of us.
Just a note to my friends who have not had children yet, when the nurse tells you to just breathe through the next contraction and don't push because you have to wait for the doctor, it's ok to tell her I thought she was joking until she ran out to the hall and yelled for the doctor to get in the room and then told me to wait again. Well that wasn't happening, but luckily for the poor nurse, who I think may have fainted if she had actually had to finish delivering my baby, the doctor arrived just in time.
When they set my baby girl on my stomach and I saw her face for the first time, I can't even express how happy and in love I was with her. Just thinking about it makes me tear up. There is no greater feeling than meeting your child for the first time. I thought the day I found out I was pregnant was the greatest day of my life, but the day Addison was finally in my arms definitely trumped that. I have never felt so blessed as I did in that moment. I was so distracted by all that love that when they gave her back to me wrapped up and clean I anxiously asked Matt if she had any hair because I hadn't even looked and I didn't want her to be He assured me that she did and boy did she!
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I think she's starting to look more like daddy every day. |
Matt and I took Addison for her one week check up and much to my surprise she had gained almost another pound (7 lbs 3 oz) and grown over an inch (19 3/4 inches long). It really is amazing to see how much she has changed already. I can't stop taking pictures of her and could have easily just posted pictures of her for this blog post with nothing else. We're just so happy.
I want to send a special thank you to all of our family and friends who have sent gifts, come by or just called to check on us. Your support has been great and we can't wait to share more about how Addison is growing and changing. :-)
Until next time!
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Well if that's not daddy's face right |
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Our sweet angel |
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Daddy is keeping a watchful eye on his little bug |
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Thank you Matt, Rachel & Hannah these were delicious! |
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Shout out to Uncle Dustin & Uncle Aaron |
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Showing some love for our furbabies, Luke & Spooky |
Monday, February 20, 2012
Baby Showers, Nursery, and an Expanding Waist.
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35 Weeks |
37 Weeks |
Matt completed the nursery so with the exception of a few finishing touches we are anxiously awaiting Baby Girl's arrival. :)
And this was the finished product. It's hard to get the whole room. Matt even picked the colors. I was trying to be not too girlie (Daddy wasn't quite ready for that) but he surprised me by picking this lavender and dark purple trim. We can't wait to finally have the final piece to our room, our little girl. :)
The last week in January my mother-in-law and my best friend, Abby surprised me by throwing me a baby shower. Admittedly I kind of knew it was going to happen because there were not many more weekends free before our little one's arrival. But it was still nice and I can't thank Sue and Abby enough for throwing the party, and for everyone who was there to share the day with me. We definitely got a lot of nice stuff. :)
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Thanks to Little Miss Muffin's Cakes for this delicious cake. The entire cake was edible. |
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Abby & her beautiful daughter, Alexandra |
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Loved these little dresses! |
Thank you to everyone for the wonderful gifts |
The first weekend of February Matt and I took a mini getaway to Pennsylvania for some much needed us time. It was my Christmas present from Matt. Unfortunately Matt and I had both caught terrible colds. So we were able to wander around the town but by 5 pm we were in our hotel room, in our pajamas trying to nurse ourselves back to health. Though we were sick it was still nice to get away from everything and just be together. It's so easy to get caught up in the everyday and the to-dos when you're home. We mustered up enough energy to wander around Amish country and visit some of the wonderful shops and of course we had to check out the largest Cabela's in the U.S. lol
Me and my love |
This is where we planted ourselves all evening. lol |
Even I must admit that the Cabela's was impressive |
This weekend was my lovely friend, Colleen's baby shower. She is looking beautiful and I have loved sharing our pregnancy journey's together.
Adorable and delicious |
One of mthe many adorable outfits Colleen got for Baby Tenbus |
The pregnant duo. :) |
In other other news, the last week of January I got quite the surprise at work. The credit union that I work at was liquidated. The NCUA (Regulates Credit Unions) came in and shut my credit union down and fired all of us. Sounds scary and it was definitely a shock but we were liquidated by another credit union so we still have jobs. It has been a bit hectic and uncertain but the people from the new credit union have been great. It has not been ideal ultimately starting a new job and starting from scratch 6 weeks before my due date. All of the things I had in place for my maternity leave and the people who were going to be my back-up were all changed. So I have spent the past few weeks trying to adjust to the changes and preparing my replacement for when I am out. There definitely does not feel like there is enough time to do everything that needs to be done but in the end all I can do is prepare my job as much as possible. Returning to work will be interesting but I am focusing on one step at a time. Step 1, prepare work for my leave, Step 2, enjoy my time home with our baby.
Matt has been extra busy at work. He teaches during the day and spends at least a couple nights a week working after school events. It keeps him very busy. I will be very glad to have my husband back.
So that is the summarized catch up of what has been going on in our lives. Please forgive me if I do not write again until after baby girl's arrival. I will post after her arrival though. In the mean time, I hope you're all doing well! XO
Luke and his brother, Shad enjoying some snow time. |
These boys have rough lives. |
"I'm preparing for when our baby girl is here." LOL I think it will be slightly different love. |
Monday, January 9, 2012
Traveling, Holiday Cheer, and a New Year!
Best Christmas gift, having my brothers home with me |
We were so happy to be able to see our niece and nephew |
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My favorite people |
New Year's Eve dinner with my second family |
The second thing that made this holiday season so special was that Aly (Matt's sister and my sis-in-law) was home in New York with us. It was nice to have her home and it made me realize how much I miss having her around, and yes, though Matt wouldn't say it out loud, how much he misses having his sister around. ;-) We laughed so much while she was home and we cherished every minute we got to spend with her.
The third, and most wonderful thing about this holiday season is that Matt and I have been blessed with the gift of starting a family. Not a day passes that I am not reminded of the amazing gift we have been given and we can not wait to finally have our little girl here with us. In the mean time we revel at watching my belly (excuse me, our daughter) grow and move. I can already tell she is going to be fiesty one. At moments during the holidays I stopped in awe that this was our last holiday as just the two of us. The next time we traveled to Iowa we would be bringing our little girl with us. The next Christmas we celebrated would be celebrated with our little girl. It's all so exciting, and admittedly a little scary at times, but a welcome scary and one that we have been waiting for, for much too long.
In all, I don't know if I could have asked for a better Christmas or New Year's. It was wonderful to be with our families and share in all of the joy that brings and to also share in all of the excitement of the pending additions to the family. I say additions because my baby brother, Aaron, and his wife, Jessi are also expecting in May. Not only will Hunter and Hayden have one new cousin, but they will have two. Needless to say, when we're all together from this point forward it's going to be a bit more hectic and wonderful. We were all hoping to find out what Aaron and Jessi were having while home for Christmas but unfortunately the little one was not so cooperative. So, we anxiously await their next ultrasound where my niece or nephew will hopefully cooperate and let us know who they are.
I must say, after the much needed break from work and trip back to Iowa, plus the wonderful celebrations with Matt's family upon our return, it was quite hard to return to reality. We are keeping ourselves busy though so hopefully the next two months will fly by. This past weekend Matt and I finally finished clearing out the "mud room" and painted it so it is now the soon-to-be nursery! I have taken pictures but will post them once we have completed the painting and revamping. I will say that it is amazing to see what a little paint can do for a room though.
This coming weekend Matt and I will be attending our Childbirth Preparation course. It should be interesting to see what that has in store for us, and to see how well Matt handles being stuck in a room listening to and talking about all of the stuff the course involves. The following two weekends will be spent with myself and Colleen spaing it up once again and hopefully Matt and I can squeeze in a tour of the birthing center before the end of the month. Matt is busy putting the final touches on our "babymoon" in early February. I am so excited for the two of us to get away and just enjoy some us time. I am beyond impatient to have our little girl here with us but it will be nice to have that time for us before she does get here. That all takes us up to the middle of February and one month away from our due date! (hint of panic that we won't get everything done in my voice. hehe)
Speaking of the due date, I am officially 31 weeks and 2 months away from the big day! Baby Cook has certainly grown, as evidence from my buddha like mid section. Tomorrow we have an ultrasound to see how she is measuring. Matt and I are so excited to see our little girl again and how much she has grown. From the pokes, rolls, and jabs I'm guessing she has grown quite a bit from the last time we saw her.
On that note, I should say good night and get some much needed zzz's. Again, I hope you all had an amazing holiday and welcome to 2012! I know this year holds many many new adventures for Matt and I and we cannot wait! Until next time!
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