Hello! Welcome to Cookie Crumbs. :-) I thought I would start a blog as a way to help me keep more connected to my family and friends and what is going on in our lives here in New York. As most of you know I am HORRIBLE at keeping in touch. I call my parent's each week and I check in with my brother's and sister in laws on a somewhat regular basis but I could be better. SO, this is my attempt at doing so. I will start by giving everyone a quick overview of what has been happening in the past 5 years, since Matt and I moved here.
When Matt and I moved back to his hometown 5 years ago we were lucky enough to move into a small place next door to Matt's parents. Over the past 5 years we have done minor home improvements; new lights, some fresh paint, and new carpet. I don't even want to talk about the carpet. Ha Ha All and all we have made this place our cozy little home. I don't mean to rain on Matt's mountain parade, but I have yet to truly embrace the all encompassing feeling the mountains provide. I'm from Iowa after all! We're used to being able to see the road ahead of us as far as we can see and having open open sky. Matt and I always joke because I love the openness of Iowa and rebel against the surrounding mountains. Where Matt loves the mountains and can't stand the open skies. Guess we'll never agree on that fact. Ha Ha One big thing I noticed when we moved here were the difference in what Iowans call things and what New Yorkers call things. To this day I refuse to call pop, soda. My friends laugh at me and strangers look at me funny when I say pop but I'm standing my ground. Ha Ha I've also noticed that New Yorkers are not patient drivers! Sadly, I must admit that I have become one of these drivers. I couldn't resist everything. :-)
About 5 months after Matt and I moved here he proposed and on August 11, 2007 he made me the happiest woman in the world. We will be married 4 years this August and I have loved every minute. Ok, ok, not EVERY minute but I've only disliked the the ones that included learning that Matt likes putting his dirtly clothes and sometimes his shoes on the kitchen table. Ha Ha I have broken him of that habit by the way. ;-)
Shortly after Matt and I moved here he began substitute teaching and I started working at a credit union. About 2 years after we moved here Matt began classes to get his Masters in Education. After many frustrating group projects, 3 months of student teaching, and multiple certification exams Matt completed his Masters program. He became a New York State Certified Teacher in September of last year. I was and am very proud of him. Since school had already began and Matt was still recovering from 2 broken feet (more on that a little later) he was unable to apply for any permanent teaching positions. So he continues to substitute teach while he keeps an eye out for permanet positions. Matt is an amazing teacher and the kids, no matter what age, respond so well to him. I always joke that I can't take him anywhere without him running into one of his students. My car went into the ditch last winter and the nice family near where my accident was allowed me to hide out in their home until the tow truck came. When Matt arrived to assess the damage and check on me the woman's kids (all 3 of different ages) were so excited to see Mr. Cook. Ha Ha Just last weekend Matt and I were in Border's and a high school girl that Matt had taught yelled, from across the store, "Mr Cook! What's Up!" Then proceeded to tell her boyfriend that "Mr. Cook is mad cool." He has a way with kids. It makes me smile everytime one of his students runs up to him. A big part of being a teacher is being able to connect with your students and Matt is able to do that with ease.
I have been a Branch Manager at the credit union I started at for 3 years now. It has given me a lot of experience and I have met some great people. I have also learned that I'm not so great with the motto, "The customer is always right". Ha Ha In my defense I understand that most people don't understand the many rules and regulations that go along with the financial world so I am perfectly calm when I must explain certain things to my members that they simply may not know. It's the rude ones I have a problem with, especially when they're unjustly rude to my employees. I become a mama bear and quickly squish any attitude they may have. I have also learned some patience from my employees, as their teacher, and from the many members I interact with. All and all it is a rewarding job.
Last summer was probably one of the most interesting since we moved here. Most of it was quite pleasant. We went rafting with friends, had barbeques, etc. About the middle of July, however it changed. I was at work and Matt's friend, who Matt had been logging with all summer texts me to tell me that he is taking Matt to urgent care because Matt thought he had hurt his feet. Now I was slightly concerned because Matt doesn't go to the doctor. He's one of those walk it off kind of guys. But I didn't really panic or even leave work because Matt's friend thought he probably just sprained his one ankle. So his friend and I continued to text back and forth to keep me posted on when he was going to get in to see the doctor. Then his friend texts me and tells me, "Matt broke both of his feet." Yes, true story, he broke both of his feet, and sprained his ankle. Even then I wasn't worried, I knew he was ok in the sense that his life wasn't in danger in any way. So Matt's poor friend, who felt responsible because Matt had been working with him, kept apologizing over and over. I explained to him that accidents happen and that we'd get through it.
Ha Ha This was Matt for the remainder of the Summer. In Matt's true form, when I went to the hospital the next day to pick up a prescription from the doctor they all told me how Matt had them cracking up and that they had never seen anyone in such good spirits after just breaking both feet. God bless him I don't know how he kept smiling through all of that, but he did. With the exception of the understandable cabin fever he eventually developed he kept those good spirits up his entire recovery. Matt went through 6 weeks of physical therapy after he got the casts off and still has to work on strengthening and stretching his feet but all and all he good as new. He will probably be avoiding any such incident again though. Ha Ha
As most of you know, I have two younger brothers. They are my life and I am so proud of them. One of the biggest reasons for my pride is because they both serve their country. Last summer Dustin and Aaron embarked on their second tours in the Middle East. Anyone who has family, friends, etc who are serving know the struggle you go through when dealing with a deployment. There is the pride and there is also the neverending worry. One of the biggest differences for their second deployments is that they both left wives, and in Dustin's case, a son and yet to be born little girl behind. They have made great sacrifices and part of me would much prefer that they were no longer in the military. However, I am also so glad that they are serving. Dustin is lucky enough to be home to see the birth of his little girl, who will hopefully be arriving any day now. By the end of the summer, my brother's will be safely back home with their families and I cannot wait. You two make a big sister proud. Makes up for all the annoyances you caused me growing up. ;-) j/k
Winter is stubbornly holding on here in Upstate New York but Spring makes brief appearances every once in a while. I cannot wait until it is finally here. For the obvious reason that I need sunshine and warmth and green grass again. But also because last Fall I made my first somewhat large scale attempt at planting a Spring garden and I can't wait to see what it produces. Hopefully my flowers bloom and I can keep the deer from eating them before they do. I will keep you posted though. :-)
Through all of this I was diagnosed with Endometriosis and Infertility. I am going to dedicate a blog post just to this simply because it is it's own story. I will say this though, through all of the struggles and tears Matt has been right there always finding a way to make me smile. Most of the time it was in a "I can't believe you just said that" giggle but he knows how to bring me back out of the abyss that has been my Infertility struggle and I could not have gotten this far without him.
So there you have it! I hope you enjoy my future posts and I look forward to keeping everyone more up to date on what is happening in the life of Mr and Mrs Matt Cook! Until later!
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