I thought I should introduce the furry members of our family. They keep our lives interesting and never cease to amaze me with their personalities and antics.
I will start with Kit Kat. Kit was my first baby. I got her shortly after I moved into my first place and I was so lonely. I had always grown up with animals and suddenly I had none. So despite the "No Pets" rule that my apartment complex had, I got Kit.
Kit loves posing for the camera
From the moment I got Kit it was like she was shot from a rocket. When she wanted to play you better play and you better be covered head to toe otherwise you would come out of the play session with all kinds of wounds. Kit doesn't care who you are, she always welcomes you and insists on getting some pets from you. This is especially amusing when she climbs into my father-in-law's lap, since he's not really one of those, cuddle with your animals kind of guys. LOL Kit and Matt have a love/hate relationship. Kit will wind herself through Matt's legs as he's trying to walk so she can trip him and Matt will curse her as she meows and walks away. Sometimes though, I will see them cuddling and showing each other some love. Kit is a feisty one but she makes me smile. She is always the first one to say good morning to me when I wake up, whether I'm ready to wake up or not. LOL
Reeses is Kit's sister. I didn't get Reeses until a week or two after I had gotten Kit. I could not keep up with Kit's play sessions and my arms and legs were starting to pay the price. So I went back to where I had gotten Kit and I found Reeses (or Reesey as I call her). She was so little and calm and I fell in love with her immediately.
Reeses loves lying in the window and letting the sun hit her while she naps.
When I first brought Reesey home I was worried that it was a mistake because Kit was all over her. Poor Reeses didn't know how to handle this maniac of a cat attacking her every time she tried to move. My worry was unwarranted though because Reeses quickly showed Kit that she could hand out a beating just as well, if not better, than Kit could. They became quick friends and are inseparable now.
They love cuddling on the bed on a lazy afternoon
Reeses made quick work of letting me know that she is a princess and she expects to be treated as such. She is not much for pets, unless she decides she wants them and then you had better oblige. If you don't you won't get a moments rest until you do. She does not generally welcome guests but comes out in her own time and then decides if you are worthy enough to pet her. She will only eat a certain kind of wet cat food and a certain type of treats. Anything else she turns her nose up at and scowls at you. LOL During those moments when she's feeling particularly loving is when she is the sweetest. She will curl up on you and purr as long as you let her stay.
Spooky was my Grandma and Grandpa's cat. When my Grandma passed away my parent's took Spooky in. Unfortunately it was not an ideal environment for Spooky. Spooky was used to being the only cat and wandering in and out of the house as he pleased. My parent's cats did not welcome him. When Matt and I went home for Christmas 2009 I could not bare to see Spooky so secluded and trapped so after some tears I convinced Matt to let us take Spooky home with us.
This is one of Spooky's favorite ways to lay. |
I must admit that Kit and Reeses were not exactly thrilled to have a new addition to the family. They stalked him at first and tried to bully him. Because of this we kept Spooky in his own room until the girls could adjust. Spooky still has his own room, where he stays at night and when we are gone, but for the most part the girls leave him alone. On the days when they are feeling particularly ornery they might chase him but that is generally when Luke intervenes. I'm not sure if it is because Luke likes Spooky or if he just likes having an excuse to chase Kit and Reeses but he has become Spooky's bodyguard. Spooky's friend was Jake, my grandma and grandpa's golden lab. Spooky is always trying to cuddle with Luke. Luke isn't too sure about this sometimes but he mostly goes with it.
We spoil Spooky by turning on my heated blanket and letting him sleep on it. |
If Matt is around, Spooky is right on top of him. |
He may be old but every once in a while his playful kitten side comes out. |
Spooky has adopted Matt as his human. This started when Matt was sitting in front of Spooky shortly after we brought him home. Spooky began nibbling on Matt's ear so Matt said, "Spooky, what are you doing?" Spooky responded by reaching around and slapping him in the mouth. I could not stop laughing. Ever since then Matt has been Spooky's human. He is so loving and gentle, I could laze around with him dozing on me all day.
Luke and Shad are best buds and LOVE having play time. |
Ignore the hideous couch and carpet and focus on the adorable sleeping puppy. |
Then there is Luke. Luke is my baby. He is our 5 year old Black Labrador. We got Luke about a year after we moved to New York. I had always had dogs and was sick of not having one around. Matt and I began looking around and, as luck would have it, my boss's sister's dog had just had puppies. She was giving them away because her black lab had bred with a chocolate lab. I was so excited. My grandparents had always had Labradors so I knew what great dogs they were. I even convinced Matt's parents to get one of their own! A big feat since they had only had one adult dog and a cat when Matt was younger. When we went to pick our puppies out I fell in love. The little bundles of fur, yipping and jumping around, with that adorable puppy smell and those fat puppy bellies. Yes, I'm a sucker for puppies. From that moment on Luke became one of the most spoiled dogs alive.
Even as a puppy he was so good at posing for the camera.
Luke has brought so much joy to our lives. He is Matt's wrestle buddy and my walking buddy and protector. He does not leave my side if I am home alone. Even if that means he must lay on the couch next to me all day, bored. Luke absolutely LOVES going for hikes and lets not even mention swimming. He would swim all day if we let him. Thankfully for him we have two ponds fairly close to us that he can swim laps in. When we go for walks we usually meet his friend Stella Blue, a terrier. She chases after Luke and jumps at his face. He acts like she annoys him but he looks for her every time we go past her house.
Even when Matt thinks it is funny to put his t-shirt on him Luke has a smile for us. |
Luke has a rough life. |
Besides Shad, one of Luke's first play buddies was our friends dog Roxy. Roxy is owned by our friend's John and Colleen. Roxy is a force all her own. She has those big dopey ears and a huge smile all of the time. And her tongue can take over your whole face. Luke was already about a year old when Roxy was adopted and Luke and her became good friends. Though at times Luke didn't understand why she kept taking his toys. Roxy stayed with us a couple of times and her and Luke had quite a few play dates. When Roxy came to stay or visit she always made herself at home, and was just as spoiled as Luke was.
Even our friends dogs get the bed. LOL |
Luke and Roxy played a lot of tug of war with Luke's toys. HAHA |
And those are our furry family members. Life would not be complete without them. Now, if you will excuse me, Luke is eyeballing me and needs a much deserved walk. Have a good week!