35 Weeks |
Hello Everyone! Sorry it has been so long since I have last posted. I really have been horrible about that. Since I last posted we have been up to a lot.
37 Weeks |
As you can tell, on the baby bump front I have certainly "blossomed". lol Baby Girl has dropped quite a bit and that has made mommy a bit uncomfortable and it has definitely made it difficult for her to sleep. As a result I have developed the waddle and have been quite exhausted. However, I can't really complain, as I have had it quite easy up until this point. I have definitely reached the point where I am ready for her to be here though. We just cannot wait to meet our little girl.
Matt completed the nursery so with the exception of a few finishing touches we are anxiously awaiting Baby Girl's arrival. :)

This is what we started with.
And this was the finished product. It's hard to get the whole room. Matt even picked the colors. I was trying to be not too girlie (Daddy wasn't quite ready for that) but he surprised me by picking this lavender and dark purple trim. We can't wait to finally have the final piece to our room, our little girl. :)
The last week in January my mother-in-law and my best friend, Abby surprised me by throwing me a baby shower. Admittedly I kind of knew it was going to happen because there were not many more weekends free before our little one's arrival. But it was still nice and I can't thank Sue and Abby enough for throwing the party, and for everyone who was there to share the day with me. We definitely got a lot of nice stuff. :)
Thanks to Little Miss Muffin's Cakes for
this delicious cake. The entire cake was
edible. |
Abby & her beautiful daughter, Alexandra |
Loved these little dresses! |
Thank you to everyone for the wonderful gifts |
The first weekend of February Matt and I took a mini getaway to Pennsylvania for some much needed us time. It was my Christmas present from Matt. Unfortunately Matt and I had both caught terrible colds. So we were able to wander around the town but by 5 pm we were in our hotel room, in our pajamas trying to nurse ourselves back to health. Though we were sick it was still nice to get away from everything and just be together. It's so easy to get caught up in the everyday and the to-dos when you're home. We mustered up enough energy to wander around Amish country and visit some of the wonderful shops and of course we had to check out the largest Cabela's in the U.S. lol
Me and my love |
This is where we planted ourselves all evening. lol |
Even I must admit that the Cabela's was impressive |
This weekend was my lovely friend, Colleen's baby shower. She is looking beautiful and I have loved sharing our pregnancy journey's together.
Adorable and delicious |
One of mthe many adorable outfits Colleen got for Baby Tenbus |
The pregnant duo. :) |
In other other news, the last week of January I got quite the surprise at work. The credit union that I work at was liquidated. The NCUA (Regulates Credit Unions) came in and shut my credit union down and fired all of us. Sounds scary and it was definitely a shock but we were liquidated by another credit union so we still have jobs. It has been a bit hectic and uncertain but the people from the new credit union have been great. It has not been ideal ultimately starting a new job and starting from scratch 6 weeks before my due date. All of the things I had in place for my maternity leave and the people who were going to be my back-up were all changed. So I have spent the past few weeks trying to adjust to the changes and preparing my replacement for when I am out. There definitely does not feel like there is enough time to do everything that needs to be done but in the end all I can do is prepare my job as much as possible. Returning to work will be interesting but I am focusing on one step at a time. Step 1, prepare work for my leave, Step 2, enjoy my time home with our baby.
Matt has been extra busy at work. He teaches during the day and spends at least a couple nights a week working after school events. It keeps him very busy. I will be very glad to have my husband back.
So that is the summarized catch up of what has been going on in our lives. Please forgive me if I do not write again until after baby girl's arrival. I will post after her arrival though. In the mean time, I hope you're all doing well! XO
Luke and his brother, Shad enjoying
some snow time. |
These boys have rough lives. |
"I'm preparing for when our baby girl is here." LOL
I think it will be slightly different love. |